Vortex 11: The Challenge To Go Beyond I

Vortex 11: The Challenge To Go Beyond I


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About the product

Spatula technique, acrylic structured colour base on canvas with multi coloured layers enhanced by off-beat colour curvature.
100 x 80 cm
39 x 31 in
Series: Vortices - A Discourse Of Bohemian Rhapsodies
EXHIBITIONS: Hotel De Paris, Monte Carlo & Hotel Majestic Cannes
Antonia Pia Gordon©


PAINT VORT 0112 - Intended outlines (curvature) on structured sand colour base with multi coloured overlapping layers

Artist statement

Vortices represent the twists and turns, heights and depths, quiet and stormy moments of life – they are the maps of my life, the atlas of my soul. Phases of life and perception are governed by a general mood – similar to how the first fundamental coat of paint on the canvases of my vortices series influences your first impression of these paintings. Viewed from a distance the paintings of the Spheres and Vortices series present a mere cluster of lines, dots and planes – but when you move in closer and focus your attention on details you begin to discover that there is more there to see than what meets the eye at first glance.

Eventually I began to understand that the vortices affect - ing our lives are the grinding and polishing influence that offers our soul a chance to mature to peace and perfection. I reflected on this notion - in countless sessions of applying layers of different materials and paint to my canvases.

With her Vortices series Antonia Pia Gordon directs her attention not only to the perfect form of the Euclidean circle, to the fascination of the Archimedean sphere and to the fluid dynamics and friction and flow of the vortex but accompanies us on a perspective-based flight through different phases of life, through moods and emotions to a bird’s eye perspective of soul-moving moments. With her can - vas and multimedia works and with a nod to C. G. Jung, Gordon draws her viewers into a journey of twists and turns and highlights and deepest points, thus offering an invitation to the development of individuation in discovery of the self, the circle, in a search for wholeness and the anima mundi. This series further develops Gordon’s search for the soul of the world, the unity of the conscious and unconscious and the search for essential patterns of life and is a witness to the freedom of infinity in the freely flowing strokes and the endless forms.continue reading …