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About the Triptych of Sacred Art for the Christmas Season

Embrace the divinity of the Christmas season with this exquisite triptych of sacred art. Individually, each painting is a testament to faith and artistry, priced at $5,000. However, when united as a triptych, they offer a harmonious narrative for a special offering of $10,000. Allow the complete collection to bless your space with spiritual depth and beauty, reflecting a true celebration of the season's sacred essence. These artworks were also exhibited at the Prize Jubilee of Mercy in 2016 in the Galleries of the Vatican, Rome, adding an extra layer of significance to this remarkable collection.


Exquisite Christmas Gifts!

Experience the allure of our exclusive Christmas gifts, meticulously curated to offer rare and exceptional artworks at special prices.
Each masterpiece is selected with precision by ANTONIA PIA GORDON, bringing together a collection that embodies the spirit of the season. These limited-time offerings provide a unique opportunity to enrich your living space with original works, thoughtfully crafted for the Christmas season. Don't miss the chance to acquire these exceptional pieces at a rare price, adding a new treasure to your collection.

Available only from December 1, 2023, to December 25, 2023.

Triptych of Sacred Artworks For Sale